Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Remove Part of a Software Package Without Removing All Dependencies.

If you install a program using yum and you don't like some of the dependencies, and you know the program will run without them. You can use this command to remove  them.

rpm --nodeps -e packagename

The command basically tells rpm not to check for dependencies --nodeps and the -e is for erase. Replace packagename with whatever your removing.

If you try and use yum to just remove the dependency, in most cases it will try to remove the entire package. Using rpm allows you to just remove the one or two dependencies you don't want and leaves the rest of the install intact.

Bloggers note: update 10/19/13, using this will give you a warning the next time you use yum.  

Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum. 

Basically the warning is simply letting you know that the RPM database has been altered due to the dependency you removed with rpm and not using yum.
If you get this warning just use yum clean all

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