Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Short Break and an Update.

So I've been working on some photography projects, and I really don't know what I'm doing. For this reason I really haven't been playing around in my Linux partition. The last month I've been working in Windows, and trying to learn the basic features of my new camera. I've just gotten to the point where I want to shoot all my photos in RAW. For this reason I need to return to Linux. YaY, Linux. I just installed Darktable, and UFRaw for my post processing work. So I plan on working in my Linux partition much more.

I also uploaded all my brushes, and fonts from my Windows partition to my Google drive, and installed them in my Linux partition for Gimp. I thought about installing Dropbox or mounting my Windows partition , but decided on doing things the hard way. Yup, I'm a glutton for punishment. So, I guess I may be adding some Graphic Design Tutorials, and some notes on Open Source Photography.

I've always said the best way to start learning something, is to just jump in and start doing it. That's my plan with Linux. Read the manual, jump in, learn as I go and learn from my mistakes. I've only found a few things so far that I can't do with Linux that I can do with Windows. Netflix has proven problematic, actually that's been the only thing for me, Netflix, everything else I do in my Windows partition I can do in Linux. I guess I won't be watching as many movies, ooh well.

On a final note, I installed Windows 8 on my mothers computer, and I'm now more determined then ever to become a full time Linux user. I loved Windows7 and thought Microsoft finally came out with a really great operating system, then they came out with Windows 8 and I'm just not impressed. Working at the family business, I have to use her computer from time to time, and I must say it motivates the hell out of me to start learning Linux more. Anyway, I'll be posting again regularly, not really sure how often, but you can at least expect a few posts a month. Thanks to the few people that are following and check back soon for updates.

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