Last night I started the LFS101x : Introduction to Linux course and today I got through the 3rd chapter. The course is an edX course online and so far it's pretty interesting.
Chapter 1 gets into a little information about the Linux Foundation. I found that pretty interesting. I often wondered exactly what they did, and chapter 1 explains that.
Chapter 2 is mostly about Linus Torvalds the founder of Linux. The chapter lays out a brief history of Linux, a little information about Linus Torvalds, how Linux got started, how its created, and how its works. The chapter is brief but interesting.
Chapter 3 covers installation, choosing a Linux based O.S. and a little about boot loaders, file system structure, partitioning and the boot process itself.
So far so good. The first 3 chapters were very basic, yet very informative. The 3rd chapter already started getting a little more detailed though. Explaining how the bios works, and the way the init file starts and shuts down the system cleanly. I knew a little about bios, and now I know a little more. I can already tell the course is going to be very helpful in learning a lot of the finer details about using the O.S.
On a final note I thought it was really cool how the course is laid out and explained. They break the course tutorials into three categories showing you how it would work on a Debian system using Ubuntu, a Fedora system using CentOS, and a SUSE system using the openSUSE. I thought that was really cool.
If you want to find out more about the course or sign up yourself you can click here. The course is free to audit, and I'm really happy I signed up. If you're new to Linux or someone who just wants to know a little more than how to point and click in an Xwindows environment I highly recommend this course.
My Linux skills have been limited to a basic install, and getting around in the system. I've recently decided to take the O.S. more seriously and become a full time user and more of a Linux hobbyist. This is a place for me to post notes, and other helpful information. The information here is centered around Fedora and KDE but I do post about other GNU/Linux distributions. You can find useful notes, book reviews, tutorials, videos, and whatever else I think will be useful for learning this O.S.
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